
How Long Does A Block Of Coal Burn In Minecraft

How to make Coal in Minecraft

This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft coal with screenshots and step-by-footstep instructions.

In Minecraft, coal is an item that you would normally notice and get together in the game. However, y'all tin can also make coal with a crafting tabular array too as a furnace or a blast furnace. Coal tin be used every bit a fuel in a furnace to smelt/cook 8 items (one coal will fire in a furnace for 80 seconds).


Let's explore how to add a coal to your inventory.

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Supported Platforms

Coal is bachelor in the post-obit versions of Minecraft:

Platform Supported (Version*)
Java Edition (PC/Mac) Coffee Edition (PC/Mac) Yes
Pocket Edition (PE) Pocket Edition (PE) Yeah
Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Yes
Xbox One Xbox One Yes
PS3 PS3 Yes
PS4 PS4 Aye
Wii U Wii U Yes
Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch Yes
Windows 10 Edition Windows 10 Edition Yes
Education Edition Educational activity Edition Yes

* The version that information technology was added or removed, if applicative.
NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox I, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Boulder Edition. We will keep to show them individually for version history.

Where to observe Coal in Creative Mode

How to mine Coal in Survival Mode

In Minecraft, you can add a coal to your inventory by mining coal ore. Then, let's become started!

i. Find Coal Ore

Start, permit's explore where to find coal ore. In Minecraft, coal ore is like shooting fish in a barrel to find and is found in large deposits. You can unremarkably detect coal ore betwixt four and xv blocks below the footing.

coal ore location

In this example, we are going to dig into a mountain to find coal ore.

This is what a block of coal ore looks like:

coal and pickaxe

ii. Hold a Pickaxe

To mine for coal, you need to dig up the coal ore with a pickaxe. Select 1 of these pickaxes in your hotbar:

Other tools will not dig up the coal ore and allow you lot add it to your inventory.

In this example, we are going to employ a diamond pickaxe to dig upwards the coal ore.

3. Mine the Coal Ore

The game control to mine the coal ore depends on the version of Minecraft:

  • For Java Edition (PC/Mac), left click and hold on the coal ore.
  • For Pocket Edition (PE), you tap and hold on the coal ore.
  • For Xbox 360 and Xbox One, press and concord the RT push on the Xbox controller.
  • For PS3 and PS4, press and hold the R2 button on the PS controller.
  • For Wii U, press and hold the ZR push button on the gamepad.
  • For Nintendo Switch, press and hold the ZR button on the controller.
  • For Windows 10 Edition, left click and concur on the coal ore.
  • For Pedagogy Edition, left click and hold on the coal ore.

coal dropped

You will need to continue to dig until the block breaks and a coal finally appears. The coal will bladder on the ground.

4. Pick upwardly the Coal

Make sure you option up the coal earlier it disappears.

coal gathered

Once you choice up the coal, it volition appear in your hotbar.


Coal is a very useful detail and should be kept in your inventory to exist used later.

How to arts and crafts Coal in Survival Mode

1. Open the Crafting Menu

Starting time, open your crafting table then that you have the 3x3 crafting filigree that looks similar this:

3x3 crafting area

2. Add Items to make Coal

In the crafting menu, yous should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. To make coal, place 1 block of coal in the 3x3 crafting grid.

When making coal, it is of import that the block of coal is placed in the exact pattern as the image below. In the beginning row, there should be ane block of coal in the offset box. This is the Minecraft crafting recipe for coal.

Crafting recipe for coal

Now that you have filled the crafting expanse with the correct pattern, 9 coal will appear in the box to the correct.


three. Movement the Coal to Inventory

Once you take crafted coal, you lot demand to movement the new items to your inventory.

Completed coal

Congratulations, you accept made coal in Minecraft!

How to smelt Coal in Survival Way

Y'all tin craft coal in Survival Mode using either a furnace or smash furnace.

Particular ID and Name

Give Command for Coal

Things to Make with Coal

You lot tin can employ coal to brand items in Minecraft such as:

Things to Exercise with Coal

Here are some activities that y'all can practise with coal in Minecraft:


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